Checklist For Preparing Your Paper For Publication
Here's a checklist for preparing your paper for publication, which you can use for a final review before submitting it to the journal:
1. Adherence to Minimum Standards:
- Ensure your manuscript is written in English or Indonesian.
- Verify that the paper's length is between 4 and 10 pages
- Use reference management tools like EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero, and format your references in IEEE style.
2. This Journal Format:
- Confirm that your manuscript adheres to the This Journal format meticulously.
3. Title and Abstract:
- Ensure your title is concise, containing a maximum of 12 words without acronyms or abbreviations
- Review your abstract (maximum 250 words) to ensure it is informative, self-explanatory (without citations), and includes a clear problem statement, proposed approach, major findings, and conclusions.
4. Structure:
- Arrange your paper in the following sections: Introduction, Proposed Method/Algorithm/Procedure (optional), Research Method, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.
- In the introduction, provide background context, state the problem, and outline the proposed solution, emphasizing the novelty of your work.
- Include at least 10 recent journal article references in the introduction.
5. Method Section:
- Ensure the presentation of experimental methods is clear and comprehensive, allowing for reproducibility by other researchers.
6. Results and Discussion:
- Present results in a clear and straightforward manner.
- Report key findings, including results of statistical analyses and comparisons with other research results.
- Do not duplicate figures in tables.
- Explain your research findings in words and support them with relevant references.
7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the primary study outcomes in a paragraph.
- Ensure that your conclusions align with the results and contribute to advancing scientific knowledge.
8. Language:
- Proofread your manuscript to eliminate grammatical errors and ensure clarity.
9. Up-to-Date References:
- Verify that a substantial portion (20-30%) of your references are recent papers.
10. Clarity and Flow:
- Ensure that your manuscript is clear and coherent, maintaining a logical flow between sections.
- Aim for a balance between being understandable by well-qualified professionals and avoiding descriptions of well-known facts (cite proper references instead).
11. Adequate References:
- Include a minimum of 20 references, primarily from journal papers, depending on your paper's length.
- Limit the use of textbook citations and avoid citing web pages.
12. Figures and Tables:
- Relate tables and figures to the text by referencing them in the appropriate sections.
- Avoid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the text.
- Explain what readers should look for in tables and figures.
- Number all figures and provide descriptive captions.
- Number all tables and provide captions with clear and concise headings.
- Present tables with appropriate horizontal lines.
- Ensure that all tables and figures are referenced in the text and fully cited if taken from other sources.
13. Citations:
- Cite sources within square brackets in the order they appear in the text.
- When citing multiple sources at once, list each number separately in its own brackets, using commas or dashes between numbers.
14. Self-Citations:
- Limit self-citations to a minimum, with a recommendation of no more than 5 (including jointly authored publications) or 20% self-citations, whichever is lower.
15. Final Page:
- Prepare your final submission so that the last page is not half empty.
Use this checklist to ensure your manuscript meets the journal's requirements and is ready for submission.